lutas-taekwondo vs capoeira

Actually, I'm a big fan of martial arts, and I particularly like Tae Kwon Do, but hey, Capoeira users? They're pretty nasty.

Views: 389,808 as of 3/19/2009

Muay Thai Midgets!

Guess who wins in this fight? The old one that was uploaded was removed btw.

Views: 4,130 as of 3/19/2009
(the old one - Views: 3,478,456)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailers

Well, here are three trailers. One for the game and two for the movies.

I can't wait for the movie to be released.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Game Trailer

Views: 12,783 as of 3/14/2009

Sneak Peek: 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'

Views: 35,569 as of 3/14/2009

X-Men Origins : Wolverine (2009) - Trailer #2 [720p HD QUALITY]

Views: 39,302 as of 3/14/2009

Spiderman 4 Teaser

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, here is a teaser of the Spiderman 4 this 2011.

Views: 1,103,648 as of 03/08/2009

Lebron James secretly farts

I heard this one on the radio(Magic FM) about Lebron James farting during a game. So let's consider this as one of the greatest moments of the NBA.

Views: 66,735 as of 3/5/2009

Ninja Bear!

Have you heard of Kung-Fu Panda? How bout TMNT? Be scared of the new super hero, NINJA BEAR!

part 1
Views: 84,532 as of 3/2/2009

part 2

Views: 58,883 as of 3/2/2009